
2011 Construction Outlook Survey Results

The Construction Marketing Association (CMA) announces the results of a September survey of construction marketers that identifies marketing budge outlook, top marketing priorities, and tactical marketing plans for the upcoming fiscal year. The anonymous survey was conducted via SurveyMonkey, a web-based tool, and posed four questions:
  • For the coming fiscal year, do you intend to increase or decrease marketing activities and budgets?

  • What is your most important marketing priority for 2011?

  • Which marketing tactics will increase or decrease in 2011?

  • What type of (construction) company are you?

  • The answers to the first question regarding plans to increase or decrease marketing activities and budgets identified a resounding 65% majority of respondents planning to increase, with a minority 22.5% planning to decrease marketing activities or budgets, and 12.5% maintaining marketing activities and budgets. Regarding top marketing priorities for 2011, Measuring Results topped all at 21% of respondents, followed by Internet Marketing at 17%, which included websites, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media. Implementing Marketing ranked third at 14%, followed by Sales Lead Generation at 11%. Marketing Budgets and Talent Recruitment round out top priorities at 8% and 6%. While Product Development, Advertising and Publicity/PR ranked relatively low at 3% each.
    Regarding marketing tactic increases/decreases, not surprisingly almost all respondents plan to increase Internet, Social Media and PR activities, with planned increases/decreases split for Promotions and Advertising. Reinforcing personal experience, a majority (59%) of respondents plan to decrease Trade Show activities/budgets. The company classification question somewhat mirrors the overall industry make-up with 28% of respondents from architectural, engineering or construction firms (AEC), followed by 25% building materials, and 17% home builders or remodelers, which likely has some overlap with AEC. Equipment/Tools represented 14%, followed by services at 9%.

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